Sunday, October 15, 2017

Thursdays, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2

Hello!  Isn't this year just flying by? I can't believe Halloween is only two weeks away.

This week we'll be having a taco bar. The Hales will provide carnita meat (seasoned pork) and tortilla chips. Sign up in the comments below to bring one of the following:
-Veggies (grilled onion or pepper, or you can also cook it up here if you'd like), lettuce
-Guacomole and salsa
-Side dish of choice
-Anything else I missed?

This week we are excited to do breakfast for dinner! The Hales will provide pancakes. Bring your favorite breakfast dish - post in the comments if you're coming and what you're bringing so we can plan ahead.

This is the first week of the month, so we'll be scattering to our collective areas of influence to invest in our neighbors, coworkers, whoever you feel needs some of your time. Catch you next week!

See you soon!


  1. The Hintz family will bring tortillas, sour cream, and cheese.

  2. We'll bring beans, salsa & filling for crispy potato tacos!

  3. 10/19 - Lige is at a conference but Leo and I will try to make it. I’ll bring drinks if I’m able to get out the door.

  4. 10/26 - Armstrong's will be there. Planning on making a batch of scrambled eggs for everyone.

    1. Sounds delicious! We’ll keep a burner open for you so you can cook them here if you want.

  5. Staats will bring something potato-y
