Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January: 1/4, 1/11, 1/18, 1/25

Hi all!

I'm going to continue posting a month at a time since that worked out so well last month. So note that things are subject to change depending on how the month goes and if we decide to make changes when we meet up.

The weather definitely calls for a chili night! The Hales will make a (vegan) chili, so bring one of your favorite sides or toppings to go with it! Make sure to post in the comments if you're coming so I know to make enough :)

This week we're going to try something different. This new rhythm is a work in progress, so let us know your thoughts - we are open to suggestions! The hope behind this is to allow our conversations to go deeper than our usual gatherings do, so we can intentionally get to know each other in a smaller group setting. We already do this somewhat as part of our regular meetings, but we want to help this happen "on purpose". This will also allow us to do a Bible study or other focused discussion depending on the needs/desires of the group.

So, this week the women are going to meet at a different location (TBD) while the men meet at our house with the kids as usual. I'm not sure how this is going to work with meals so again we're open to suggestions. The fourth week of the month, we will switch and the men will meet elsewhere while the women come to our house with the kids.

To make the meal simple for this week, let's do a sandwich night. I'll make a plate or two of sandwiches (probably PB&J or almond butter and jelly, as well as another kind), feel free to bring another plate of sandwiches or sides like chips or a veggie tray.

We love pasta so let's make this another spaghetti night! We'll provide the noodles and probably some meatballs as well.

This is the fourth week of the month so as I wrote above, the men will meet elsewhere (location TBD) while the women meet at our house with the kids. Depending on how the 11th goes with the meal, I'll update here with our meal plan for this week.

We hope you all have a good month! See you soon!


  1. We won't be able to make it this week. Have a good Thursday, everyone!

  2. Armstrong's MIA this week (1/4)

  3. Hi Natalie Henebry here. I’ve told Sharon my family and I plan sometime. Is this where you communicate or is there a fb page? Thanks!

    1. Hi Natalie! Good to hear from you! The best way to reach me would be to send me an email: sharshale@gmail.com. We can go from there!

  4. 1/18 - Armstrongs are out for the day. Too many colds going around the house.
